Friday, April 25, 2014

ダンボの旅: My First real Vacation in years?

While I've always seemed to have the vacation days on hand, work however never seemed to agree. Either a project would change or someone would get sick and I'd have to cover or just getting the days off between the 2 jobs would never line up. What ever the reason it just always seemed something would happen so the extent of vacations was limited to the random 3 day Holiday weekends we'd get here and there. The thought of a Week long Holiday couldn't be better. With so much time and so many exciting places this close, Tokyo, Okinawa Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea... etc where does one choose?

After a few days of bouncing ideas around my brain finally the decision was made. The birthplace of my beloved 510 and home to the current Nissan HQ, and many other interesting and fun looking places Yokohama it was. So after a quick internet search I was set with a room, only a hair smaller than my current residence. and so the waiting begins...

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