Thursday, March 6, 2014

ダンボの旅: The worst part of being a Freshman.... again

The weekend before the first week is always, full of aprehension and excitment. What's it going to be like? What am I going to be doing. Are they going to be friendly, will I fit in? Here you are feeling all high and mighty because you just graduated, you were the Top, invicible and ready to take on the world.

You build yourself up, running hundreds of ridiculous scenarios through your head trying to prepare yourself for the unknown. Reassuring yourself it's just gonna be the same old same old just in a different location. And then the first day comes and it hits you, that realization that, oh yeah I'm a fresman now. I'm at the bottom, and despite how much I thought I knew a second ago you find yourself back at square one. It's like getting your pawn 2 places away from the safety zone in sorry and then getting put back in home... (not gonna say any names here....)

Well that was my day today. First day of class, even with all the scenarios I came up with in my mind nothing came close to what actually happened. First thing in the morning we started a 4hr Reading/Writting and comprehension test all in Hiragana & Kanji. After our brains turned to mush from the test we were taken one by one into other rooms and given a spoken interview to try and figure out where we were conversationally. Needless to say I don't even think I'm in "Home" right now. My pawns been knocked off the board out the door and somewhere across Delmar right now.

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