Sunday, March 9, 2014

ダンボの旅: 名古屋 The JR Train Museum

This weekend went out to the JR SCMaglev and Railway Park in Nagoya with a couple of our soon to be graduating friends from Indonesia: Denny, Trii, Era & N American's Erik and Vince.

Big Thanks to Denny for taking the Photo

 Man this place was awesome... And get this, Cheap! Admission was a whopping 500 yen, aka 5 dolla. Definitely worth more than that. The place was huge, They had a decent amount of rolling stock and Engines inside that you could walk on too. Throughout the museum there were also alot of informative dioramas and get this, alot was also in english. Really fun place to spend a Saturday exploring.

This was pretty sweet, this was the first engine you saw walking in.

Then in the background there they had a huge screen that explained and showed the trains in operation back in the day. Very cool.

Inside the main exhibit hall they had a lot on the progress and changes of the shinkansen over the years. These were models to show the shape changes. And the screen to the left showed the airflow/turbulence with each of the designs.

Detailed diorama about the workings of the track, bridges and infrastructure of the Shinkansen railways.

Interior of one of the many cars on display.

And yeah, they had an awesome n scale layout there. So sweet!

Overview show of the main exhibit hall. To the far right at the end of the rolling stock there were more engines and cars that you could look at but not actually get on and walk around. Also the second floor had information on the development of and a ride simulator for the future Maglev. There were also Regular Commuter train & Shinkansen driving simulators. Really an awesome place all around, lots to see and if you had little ones a ton of hands on things to check out and keep them entertained.

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