Sunday, April 13, 2014

ダンボの旅: Goodbye Senpai

This week was bittersweet, while I'm happy that all my friends in class 37 finally get to go home to their families and friends. I can't help but feel a little sad & nervous at the same time. They were our lifeline to being able to understand these past few weeks, but not only that they're my friends. So much like that scary feeling of what's to come that everyone experiences during graduation Friday I too felt lost.

Thursday was a day of celebration though. Throughout the day all of the students had a ~ 15min presentation on what all they learned, seen and experienced during their tenure here. It's was exciting to see some of their earlier work/papers. Re-assuring us that they too started from nothing language wise but were able to rise up to the N4~N3 level despite that. With the renewed hope that maybe school would be possible the day seemed to fly by as I learned of all the interesting places they had gone and experienced during their stay here.

Soon enough 5pm rolled around and the last speech had long since finished. A hand full of us headed off by bike to local Suchi-Ro for one last competition among friends. Who could stack the highest...

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