Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ダンボの旅: Introducing ダソ

Yay lesson time,

As some of you may know the Japanese language is displayed via 3 different sets of characters. First there's 漢字 Kanji ,ひりがな Hirigana. カタカナ Katakana。The first one is simply Chinese characters. The following two are much simpler. Every symbol is a syllable/sound, the only difference being that Hirigana is used for Japanese words and Katakana is used for loan words. Such as my name...
And that's where this story comes in. So when I came over here I had a pretty good handle of Hiragana and a meh.. handle on Katakan. So of course some mistakes have been made, and well one of those is my name haha. So look at these two examples, which one is correct: ダン or  ダソ???

A. ダン
B. ダソ
C. Is there even a difference?
D. All of the above?

If you choose A you are correct! Unfortunately for my original Name card & to the entertainment of the Bartender that I've become friends with, I chose B, wa wa waaa. (While its rather subtle there is a difference. The swoosh on the N sound is longer and more diagonal, where as the So the swoosh is more vertical and the tick is more vertical.)

So now whenever I go back I always get an excited welcome back like "Cheers". Daaaaa-so!!!

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