Saturday, March 1, 2014

ダンーボの旅:13 Months?

ダンーボの旅 (Journey of Dan Bo)

When first asked if I would like to go to Japan for training I instantly volunteered. I mean who wouldn't want to go over there, train a lil during the day and then go out and enjoy the night life. Sounds like a great time to me, that was back around April last year that that conversation happened. Months pass by and nothing has been mentioned about the training, so I figure it was a no-go, sounded too good to be true anyways. Go live in another country and all, yeah that never happens.
Then one day in middle of the summer I'm told HR needs to talk to me, great this is never a good way to start a day. So I sit down and the trip is laid out to me. Instead of the original 3 months the trip now was going to be 13 months long. Fast forward to February 27th and there I am standing in line waiting for my mandatory TSA lovin, and so begins ダンーボの旅.

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