Thursday, April 17, 2014

ダンボの旅: Good friends and amazing cars

After being on opposite sides of the dateline for almost a year, today I was finally reunited with my good friends and former coordinators Noda and Oka. And what better way to make a good reunion even better, than going to one of the best Automobile Museums I've been too. The Toyota Automobile Museum, while its name would lead one to believe it would only be Toyodas. 

Upon reaching the first floor I was pleasantly surprised with a whole floor of classics like the Mustang, Land Yatch Caddies, a classic english racing green Bentley and smiling Austin-Healey. 

After slowly meandering through the mass of foreign metal we finally made it to the 2nd floor where my interests lie, Classic J-tin. Upon ascending the escalator you are greeted by tiny Toyota Crown, although I guess most cars, especially Japanese ones, of that age were tiny. Such as this the first Datsun.

  From there you are surrounded by all the classics.They have your regular first Gen Corolla and Sunny. Crowns, Skylines, GT2000 and the beautiful Nissan competition.

 Also notable were these two cool dioramas. The first was next to the Lexus LFA showing the build process. This other one showed the differences in design to build from days of old to now. Exiting the gallery you run into their current projects. 

A sweet looking fuel cell vehicle and a current electric. While these two marked the end of the main Gallery it was actually the next part that I found the most interesting. Entering the Annex: where as the main gallery was all about the cars. The Annex held not only cars but also walk in dioramas and media to give a feel for what all else was going on at the time that they were around. Giving you almost a glimpse at the places and things these cars could have very been or seen. 

  The Annex held not only cars but also walk in diaromas and media to give a feel for what all else was going on at the time that they were around. Giving you almost a glimpse at the places and things these cars could have very been or seen.


And they had a camera and then bicycle section so might be a lil biased ;).

Overall if your ever in Nagoya/Aichi prefecture I would definitely recommend checking this place out. Well worth the what, 5$ entry fee.  

And a few more photos:


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