Thursday, April 3, 2014

ダンボの旅: Exploring 金山 (Kanayama)

First weekend back in a real City :)

Today was the beginning of what I believe will be my continued love of efficient public transportation. This morning I joined in the ranks of Salary-men and HS kids on their way to the city. It's such a strange feeling to be in the presence of a train car packed with people literally shoulder to shoulder and yet only the sound of the tracks vanishing beneath you can be heard. It’s such a difference to the random singing, music and laughter and general chaos that seems to be the L at times. 

 After the short 20min trip I arrived at my destination for the day. 金山 (Kanayama). Weaving through the mass crowd of suit wearing Business folk I made my way outside to find another wonder of Japan. Their overly amazing skill to make a que. There were people around the block, up the stairs, over a bridge and a block down. Yet you could still move and get anywhere you needed to, as everyone was all single file leaving gaps at every door, alley and crosswalk. After I got over my amazement of yet another simple thing I've come to appreciate about here I began my exploration. Still not sure exactly what it was they were waiting for but there were people everywhere for it.

From the station I just started walking east, it was about 9:40 so the city was just beginning to come alive (Most places don't open until 10am) Here and there non-descript steel rollup doors would creakily open revealing a quaint little cafe or book store. This is part of the fun of exploring in the early morning or evening. You get to really see the change of the city as it wakes. Even more impressive is this same transformation as it happens at night. You can walk a street in the day and pass back at night and not recognize it at all. The shuttered doors that sat during the day have now turned into night clubs and karaoke bars, meanwhile that taco joint you wanted to use as a landmark is now just a rusty garage door, revealing now information of what lies behind. 

After a good hour or so walk, I hopped into a combini and bought myself Onigiri and a bottle of green tea. Only difference was today I managed to open that little seaweed wrapped rice triangle successfully. Too keep the seaweed crisp and crunchy it's wrapped in a separate outer layer. And if you open it correctly the removal of said layer actually makes the seaweed wrap around the rice ball. A few blocks later I found this nice little park and sat to eat and relax watching the cherry blossoms slowly sway in the breeze.

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