School that week was a joke, I was so twisted up inside, this crazy mixture of crazy excited, nervous and feeling of "Were they really serious?". I mean who honestly agrees to drive down to texas (A ten hour drive from here) and tow a car back on a whim? After what seemed like an eternity Friday finally came. I loaded up my stuff into the Cappy and rolled over to my friends place where our trusty ride awaited. The Plymouth Voyager, this little piece of soccer mom history was going to be our home for the weekend. Around 6 the 3 of us were finally on out way out of town with trailer in tow (This we later noted was the worst idea). While a tow dolly is quiet and nice when loaded that thing will hop around like a water over hot grease when empty. Thankfully radio was loud enough to drown most of that out.

Crossing the Mississippi in to MO the first state.
Once night fell it seemed like we made pretty good time hitting Little Rock around 20:00 or so. From there things seemed to slow down, as those who have driven in the middle of no where. With nothing really to see it makes the road seem endless and bland. Thankfully we stopped at a diner where we were thouroughly amused. Between the fun waitress who chilled with us to the manager popping up in the booth behind our friend and asking "Can I get some of dat?" it was a good wake up stop.
Sadly the stop ended too soon and we were back on the endless dark roads of Arkansas. Arriving in Fortworth around 5am, about 2 hours too early. So we did like most normal people, went to dennys. Of course we show up and it seems like every cop in the county is there staring at us, like we're up to no good. So we eat up and its finally time.
Head over to the guys house and there they are. Orange one apart in the garage and Red in driveway just like he described her. Fire here up, take a spin around the block. Everything seems good and get down to business. Can't get him talked down enough to take both back but still get a great deal & he throws in an extra engine, half shafts, 2 carbs, manifolds and just about every spare part that wasn't attached to the orange datto.

And with that we load up and head back to So Ill, in the middle of a monsoon.

Finally the rain let up a little and it was my time again to drive, leaving my comfy chair and foot rest behind.

30 minutes down, only 8 hours & 30 min left haha

Home :)
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