Thursday, November 12, 2009

The STL..... The sides of East and West

Well last weekend was a trip to the North so we have to go West this time right? Well that lead me to the interesting place I like to call the STL, or St. Louis as some of you may know it as. The place of not much city, Awesome parks, good friends and Church's Chicken lol.

One of the many boarded up storefronts in the downtownish area of East Stl

I spent the first half of the trip exploring a little of the Illi side of Stl, also known as East St. Louis. It truly is an interesting and beautiful, in a tragic sense. The once great architecture and neighborhoods slowly fading away back into dust and in some case's small prairie fields and miniature forests. It's really interesting to see nature reclaiming what we had taken from her.


From there I made it back to the Highway and over the Bridge in to the Stl to pick up Jenny for lunch. We took a decent lil time cruising about the area and I really must say it is a pretty sweet town. It's city city is way closer to the suburbs it seems, it goes basically from city to Aurora like really quick which is kinda cool, but after dinner and chilling it was off to meet Katie at the park and do a lil shooting :)

Meet the cute and funny Katie R. This is more of a test shot showing the area we were shooting at. In the background you can see the Art musuem.

These images really hide how dark it really was out. It was about 5ish while taking these so real low level soft warm light, but man does that low light work awesome. Also gotta love f1.4 haha

Once the sun had finally dropped we made our way towards the city to do some city scene shots but ended up just shooting around in the parking garage and Metrolink station down by the Arch :)



And for being lit just by the ambient Sodium,Mercury or whatever ugly lamps and one lone overhead flourescent I was really excited to see how the light actually worked and well, came out really nice.... It's awesome when mixed ugly lamps can make something beautiful, and not full of odd color casts to boot!


DharmaTurtle said...

Hmm... is it my monitor acting up again, or is there a slight blur on these pictures?

Dan said...

Sadly it's actually on my side. I had a really shaky hand that day, and it was DARK lol

any.anonymous.person said...
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