Thursday, October 29, 2009

And then there was none... Midterms that Is! Pt 2

And then came Sunday... A nice relaxed day of well, relaxing and then a hike out in Giant City with Em n Julie. From the rocks n tree's we made our way to the freer and more open expanse of the fields and found millet, grass and cool looking tree's.

Em at Giant City Park

While walking around it was definitely evident of how wild that storm back in the spring was as there were still ton's of downed tree's along with broken overlooks and stairways. None the less we pressed on and continued our lil hike around.

And then the sun began to drop below the bluff, so we made way to the field to get some nice setting sun shots in.


I even took a break and tried that whole Nature photography thing. Backlit subjects are sooooooooo awesome!!!

And who doesn't love grass

And yeah I just really really liked the way the branches of the tree were all curvy, and the leaves were really sweetly colored as well.

And then the serious side of Em,

Ever curious and off trying to figure the ways of the world.... Or just how did that one plant get so tall
And with the sun nearly taking it's long plunge we raced off to the retention wall over by the school and sat to watch the setting sun before partaking in the ever interesting and tasty endeavor, we like to call, Chinese Buffets

And a sneak peek at my project for photography... We have to make a PSA regarding food, I choose pesticides

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Gostei muito de seu blog, tem um toque muito pitoresco... parabéns!